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Voting in Delaware County, Ohio

The Delaware County League of Women Voters believes that we can all make a difference to enhance our democracy. We can do this by educating ourselves about the issues and the candidates and then casting our vote.

To this end, we carry out various activities including: 


  • candidate forums

  • voter registration drives

  • voter education events with the Board of Elections

  • prepare and post Voter Guides using 



We contact all candidates for major offices and compile information to create a voter's guide for every general election Delaware, Ohio. You just have to enter your address to find your polling place and create your own personalized voters' guide where you wil  find everything you need to vote! With your personalized guide, you can:


  1. see everything that will be on your ballot,

  2. compare candidates' positions side-by-side,

  3. print out a personalized ballot with your choices to take with you on Election Day.


VOTE 2024


November 5, 2024  General Election Day in the USA!  BE READY!


Presently, we know the following:


  1. Last day to register to vote is Oct. 7, 2024.  Need to register ? 

  2. Any registered voter can request an absentee ballot  here.


The information in this Ohio resource is clear and easy to follow.   The Ohio Secretary of State will be sending this request for an absentee ballot to every registered voter. 


Early in-person voting begins Oct. 8 at the County Board of Elections  at 2079 US Highway 23N -  Suite 4 - Delaware OH 43015. 

The drop box is available for voter ballots as well as Voter Registration and Absentee Balloting. at the BOE only. It is at the back of the building, with signs indicating where the box is located. It is drive -through; It can be done accomplished by opening your car window.


On November 5, you only vote at your assigned precinct.


 Be sure to have an appropriate ID.  Click here for ID options


If you requested an absentee ballot and did not vote that ballot, you may go to your precinct and vote a provisional ballot, which will not be counted until 11 days after election, BUT IT WILL BE COUNTED!


Our best advice is make sure your voter registration has your current address, etc. 


Vote early and avoid the rush.  


The Delaware County League of Women Voters will be reaching out to our citizens from now until the election with friendly reminders of due dates and helpful hints on the proper way to fill out absentee ballots.


Watch your email!


Most importantly,  VOTE!


Voting in Ohio


If you are interested in learning more about voting in Ohio, you can visit the Secretary of State's website. You can find voting rules, a calendar with all the relevant dates, and your polling place.

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